A blended-learning professional development programme in four steps for teachers of second and foreign languages especially in the upper secondary schooling (ISCED 3) with a special focus on documentation, analysis and assessment of oral language performance




  • General introduction into theoretical backgrounds, the profile and structure of the programme
  • Introduction into the development and use of the ICT-tools utilized througout the programme, i.e. a) an individual language (acquisition) profile, b) immersive, multimodal computer simulations, c) online-lab for analysis and assessment of language performance gained through participation in the simulations mentioned above (LangPerform)
  • Overview of the general goal-setting and the main objectives of the programme



  • Implementation of LangPerform- language simulations in selected learner groups / foreign language classes in all participating schools (ISCED 3) of the programme either during regular classes or in the free-time (in a “homework-setting”) including a) the construction of individual language acquisition profiles and b) participation in a series of computer-based language simulations in selected target languages



  • A thorough analysis and self- and peer-assessment of simulation performance also in cross-boarder co-operation settings utilizing the documentation and assessment tools of the LangPerformLab- online laboratory
  • External assessment of students’ language performance through participating teachers of foreign languages also in cross-evaluation settings (i.e. teacher A assessing the performance of teacher B’s pupils and vice versa)
  • Meta-evaluation (“evaluation of evaluation” / “assessment of assessment”) through international experts of language performance assessment incl. discussion and reflexion phases in video-correspondence online



  • A compilation of analyses and reports provided by participating teachers throughout the diverse working phases
  • Feedback from participating students on the portfolio-based profiling instruments, the language simulations and the assessment tools
  • Experts’ feedback from the “meta-evaluation” experts on the assessment competencies of the teachers involved, on the contents of the simulations as well as on the overall programme profile

Contact & Cooperation

Would you like to receive further information on the EVALANG- programme or maybe implement (parts of) it in your context? Please get in touch with us here and we will come back to you as soon as possible!

The EVALANG- programme has been designed in co-operation with



Universität Heidelberg


…and co-funded through the Finnish National Agency for Education

crealang. research & innovation

Technopolis | Peltokatu 26

FIN-33100 Tampere


ID: FI3150268-7

MAIL: info@crealang.com

SKYPE: Crealounge.

PHONE: +358 50 590 7188

WWW: crealang.com

LAB: lab.crealang.com




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