LangPerform Solutions
Individual Language (Learning) Profiling
LangPerform Solutions
Corner Stones of Language (Learning) Profiling
A quick look at some of the core principles of online-language learning profiling with the help of LangPerform profiling solutions.

* Constructing Language Acquisition Biographies
Making individual pathways of language acquisition visible.
* Mapping Individual Perception and Use of Language Repertoires
Boosting language (learning) awareness, fostering foundations for appropriate analysis and assessment of language performance.
* Differentiating Language Registers and Communication Domains
Discovering novel and more analytic views on the multi-dimensional characteristics of languages and communication across formal and informal settings.
* Documenting Learning Experiences, Learning Habits and Learning Strategies
Leaving “visible traces” on one’s own language learning pathway, becoming more aware of motivation factors, learning styles and tendencies, boosting “learning to learn” and assessment FOR learning.
* Fostering and Systematizing Self-Assessment of Language Performance
Making self-assessment of language performance a regular, systematic and a “normal” activity of language education both in- and outside institutional settings.
* Setting Goals for Individual Learning and Development
Supporting learning awareness through regular – and ideally also target language specific – goal-setting on one’s own learning pathway.
* Providing up-to-date Support for External Analysis and Assessment of Learners’ Language Performance
Complementing case-specific conventions of analysis and assessment through a so far unique set of tools and techniques for continuous tracking of language use and learning styles – paired with a helicopter view on reality-like (“quasi-authentic”) language performance in film-based simulation settings.
Individual Language (Learning) Profiles – What for?
We are surrounded by languages – practically everywhere and today more, more intense and more diverse than ever before. Our living environments as a whole are constantly becoming more colourful, comprehensive and varied – not least in terms of language and culture. They hide multi-layered “worlds of experience and learning” that can open up previously unimagined dimensions and possibilities, especially for language acquisition.
Through well-founded, research-based monitoring, coordination and support in educational settings such as schools and other institutions, language acquisition can be optimized utilizing today’s multidimensional learning worlds – e.g. by strengthening individual language (learning) awareness, promoting subject-specific language sensitivity and consolidating one’s own learning and diagnostic skills. Among other things, a contemporary, continuous and easily accessible language (learning) profiling can contribute to all of this in a way not yet seen – for example with the help of the LangPerform profiling solutions.
Happy Language Profiling in the
PLURICLIL Schools Network

This makes sense indeed! It really makes you think about your language use.

Language profiling can give you motivation boost for language learning.

Language profiling provides novel tools for supporting individual language learning at school.
PLURICLIL is an international research and development project co-funded through the Strategic Partnership Action under the Erasmus+- programme of the European Union. The initiative is carried out in partial conjunction with, a long-term research initative focusing on immersive settings of German as a foreign language in a global context and kindly supported through the Federal Foreign Office of the Republic of Germany. The synergetic interplay between the two initiatives enables so far unique contributions to the empirical research of immersive language education especially with respect to German as a target language (“CLILiG”).
Crealang. Research & Innovation (CRI)
…for creative language education – in research and Practice.
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