Individual Language (Learning) Profiling | Film-based Immersion Adventures | Online-Labs for Self- and Peer-Assessment & External Performance Analysis
For Educational Settings, Working Life Contexts and Private Use
Documenting and Visualizing Language & Communication Performance through Film-based Computer Simulations and up-to-date Online-Analysis and -Assessment Solutions since 2007.
Why LPL?
* Boosting Language (Learning) Awareness through Individual Tracking & Profiling of Language Use, Learning Preferences, Communication Practices,…
* “Travelling without Moving” – Linguistic & Intercultural Encounters through highly immersive – and utmost environment-friendly – Film-based Simulation Journeys
* Accurate Documentation and Visualization of Communication Performance through detailed Self-/Peer-Assessment Steps & External Competence Analyses
* Innovative Designs & Unique Settings for Research Projects and Professional Development Measures – anytime, anywhere.
Get In Touch
Give us a call, write us an e-mail or simply use the contact form to let us know, how you would like to use the LP solutions. We do value co-creation and teamwork, so do not hesitate to share your ideas, wishes and even more ambitious visions with us. Together we can – and will – make them become reality.
(+358) 50 5907188
LPL – Key Features in a Nutshell
Individual Language (Learning) Profiling
The very first preparatory step for your simulation adventures – in support of your language (learning) awareness, language use and the overall documentation, analysis and visualization of your communicative performance.
Immersive Simulation Journeys
Film-based communication adventures almost like in real life – through various languages and cultures, in different settings and spaces, through changing sceneries and everyday situations, in educational contexts, working-life settings and more…
Self- and Peer-Assessment
How well did you perform this time? Go ahead, analyse your own performance and let your teacher or any other evaluation expert of your choice know what YOU think of your own perfomance – via any mobile device, wherever and whenever you like.
Language Performance Analysis
Based on the previous steps, the LangPerform-Online Lab enables an accurate and comprehensive analysis and an appropriate visualization of your communication performance for various purposes of e.g. education and working life – through yourself and your teacher(s), coach(es) or other professional(s), and this, of course, anywhere & anytime.
LangPerformLab – Designed just for you?
You would like to use LangPerform simulations for your specific training purposes or for an innovative documentation, research or evaluation measure? Absolutely no problem! Please let us know about your idea HERE and we will show you very soon, how elastic and exciting the LPL can be!
LangPerform – The story so far.
The LangPerform language simulation concept – in short: LP – comprises evidence, experiences and insights from research and development work in the field all the way since the beginning of the present millenium.
Go ahead, click below and have a look at some selected milestones of the genuinely unique LP-journey so far!
Research & Development Projects – Powered by LPL
Want to see examples for research & development projects that have been either inspired by LPL, carried out with significant support through these exceptional online-tools or even simply become reality in the first place only thanks to the LP-approach? Yes? Just click HERE.
Get In Touch
Our research and innovation work around languages, cultures and communication performance is meant to be useful and of use in real life – be it in educational structures, in professional contexts or elsewhere. We strive to feed creativity, to spark novel ideas and to provide guidance, help and support around and across our expertise areas – when- and wherever needed.
Do you find the LPL inspiring? Let us know anytime how we can make this “eco-system” work ideally for your needs. We will be prepared and look very much forward to our co-operation.
Crealang. Research & Innovation (CRI)
Mo – Fr 10:00 -18:00
Technopolis | Peltokatu 26
Building A | 2nd Floor | 275
© crealang. research & innovation oy (CRI) 2014-2025