The beginnings – developments from 2004-2009
PhD-thesis: Impact of learning environment and target language classroom use on the acquisition of oral language competences in German as a foreign language through L1-Finnish speaking students


Pilot implementations in Finland (Tampere, Helsinki), Spain (Barcelona) and Romania (Cluj-Naboca); presentations e.g. at ECML / Council of Europe, Austria

The intermediary evolution – developments from 2010-2012
Entrance of the LangPerform-concept into the product development programme of the Foundation of Finnish Inventions; large–scale national trial implementation of LP-simulations in Finland

Complete ”Re-birth” of the LP-software; extensive video documentations of the trial implementations (e.g. Regions around Tampere and Oulu) incl. interviews with various endusers of the simulation solution and the assessment instruments
Design of the first ”official” business plan for the LangPerform-concept in cooperation with experts provided through the Foundation of Finnish Inventions; continuous piloting measures of LP

Extensive co-operation with University of Heidelberg, Goethe-Institut and the Federal Foreign Office of Germany begins; parallel development projects (e.g. ProfiCom) in Finland in co-operation with Cities of Tampere and Turku, supported by the National Board of Education, Finland
Continuos development work on the new LP-software; launch of new development projects covering institutional learning environments from ISCED 1 to 3 (with target languages German and English

Further academic thesis work on LP on both M.A.- level (esp. French and German as foreign languages) and dissertation projects (Assessment / English as a foreign language); coordinated by Research Unit for Languages in Education (University of Tampere)
Launch of new teacher training programmes utilizing LP simulations both in Finland (EVALANG-programme) and in the Nordic Countries (CLILiG-SCAN-programme), supported by NBE Finland and Nordplus)

A selection of the next steps – developments from 2012-2017

Production and launch of a new extensive simulation series for German as a foreign language (ProfiDaF I) in co-operation with University of Heidelberg, Goethe-Institut and the Federal Foreign Office of Germany
Provision of a national blended-learning teacher training programme around the use of LP (EVALANG) covering 5 different languages; content production continues; DaFPlus-series produced in Heidelberg, Germany; 1st ProfiDaF-trials in- and outside Finland

International pilots of ProfiDaF I commence incl. workshops and conference presentations in ca. 10 countries; publication work on the LP-concept and ProfiDaF-materials; launch of ProfiLang-UP-project in Finland
Integration of (German-medium) LP simulations into a global documentation study of language immersion programmes in German (INNOCLILiG); production of ProfiDaF II begins – both measures supported by Goethe-Institut und Federal Foreign Office of Germany

ProfiLang-UP-project (Tampere and Turku regions) wrapped up; regional ProfiLang-UP-ACROSS-project (15 schools, 2016-18) launched; international book and journal publications (INNOCLILiG/ProfiDaF) released
ProfiLang-UP-ACROSS-project continues; extensive materials production (esp. English across curriculum, Spanish and new German materials); research measures integrated into a new research centre for immersion education and simulation research (CIES) at the University of Heidelberg, Germany

Some of the latest steps – developments from 2018-2022

Implementation of the new simulation series “English Across Curriculum” as a part of the ProfiLang-UP-ACROSS- development programme of the Finnish National Board of Education; preparation of a new “LangPerform-based” research measure for German as a target language in the framework of a visiting professorship at the University of Heidelberg, Germany.
More soon.

More soon.
ProfiLang 2020-21 – A one-year in-service training course for teachers of (foreign/second) languages at the upper secondary level of general education in Finland – on systematizing individual language profiling as recommended in the new framework curricula for general upper secondary schooling in the country. Case example: LangPerform language profiling tools.

daf-immersion.de – A true long-time plan finally seeing daylight and coming into being – on setting up a new innovation web-presence for presenting the LangPerform-innovations more thoroughly and demonstrating the strong synergy potential given between the LangPerform-solutions and immersive approaches to language education – generously supported through the Federal Foreign Office of the Republic of Germany and carried out in conjunction with PLURICLIL – an Erasmus+- measure on fostering Plurilingualism through CLIL and LangPerform-solutions.
…and the LP journey continues…

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…for creative language education – in research and Practice.
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