11-12 | 2020: PLURICLIL – KICK-OFF
Context-specific state-of-the-art analyses and an “Online get-together” of the PLURICLIL-Consortium incl. partner presentations & overview, review and precision of the goal-setting, time tables, work programme and the tasks division of the initiative.
Organisatio & Coordination: CRI | Tampere, Finland

Specific Goals:
* Review and precision of the original work plan and time-tables incl. potential updates & modifications
* Foundations and preparations for the initial survey studies & pilot school-specific preparatory interviews to follow
Main Outcome:
* A thorough & context-specific analysis of “state-of-the-art” and “point-of-departure” in the entire PLURICLIL Schools Network (PSN)
* An updated step-by-step work programme for the upcoming work phases incl. adjustments to the pandemic situation (COVID19)
Additional Remarks:
* The conventional “Get-together” foreseen for the official “PLURICLIL-Kick-Off” was – due to COVID19 pandemic – replaced by one general online “Kick-off-session” for all partners followed by a series of individual preparatory online-sessions between the coordinator (CRI) and the individual partners.
01-03 | 2021: INITIAL SURVEY STUDIES: Laying Foundations in Dialogue with Learners, Teachers and School Directors

In laying foundations for the materials design in one of the main innovation phases of the project, proper survey studies were conducted – amongst both TEACHERS and LEARNERS – for an initial analysis of the learning environments and the curricular characteristics of the language learning landscapes involved in PLURICLIL.
Organisation & Coordination: CRI | Tampere, Finland
Specific Goals:
* Official statements (esp. teaching staff) & individual views (esp. students) on both the curricular and the extra-curricular characteristics of all the school environments involved – as a corner stone for the materials’ design to follow at a later stage.
* “Pre-sensitizing” the student population within the PSN for the later work phases on individual language (learning) profiling by active participation in the survey study and its related focus areas such as language (learning) awareness and cross-curricular language perception.
Main Outcome:
* Insights & statements provided through 20+ teachers of both (foreign) languages and non-linguistic content subjects in all case examples of the PLURICLIL Schools Network (PSN)
* Authentic views on issues of language (learning) awareness, cross-curricular language acquisition, the added value of information technology for (language) learning, etc. contributed by 300+ students across the PSN.
* The outcome of the work phase corresponds to the Intellectual Outputs (IO) 01 and 02 of the original PLURICLIL work plan.
Additional Remarks:
* Special attention paid to active participation of LEARNERS as one of the main target groups of the PLURICLIL initiative as a whole.
* The questionnaire targeted to STUDENTS designed also as a preparatory step for the language (learning) profiling measures to follow at a later stage of the project; highlighting topics such as language (learning) awareness, cross-curricular language perception and use in- and outside of school & personal habits and strategies in language learning.
02-03 | 2021: INTERVIEWS & INSIGHTS: A Closer Look at the Learning Landscapes Involved
Interviews with headmasters and teachers across the PLURICLIL schools network on the basis of the initial survey studies and in precision and extension thereof for more detailed insights into realities, challenges and development needs of the (language) learning landscapes involved in the PLURICLIL Schools Network (PSN).
Organisation & Coordination: CRI | Tampere, Finland
Specific Goals:
* Closer context-specific insights into the realities and characteristics of the (language) learning environments involved.
* Precision and extension of the survey studies carried out in the former work phase through personal discussions on context-specific issues related to the contributions and the goal-setting of the PLURICLIL initiative.
* An individual, detailed information session for the pilot schools on the main goal-setting of the project and respective work phases required.
Main Outcome:
* Informative insights into “everyday realities of (language) learning” and especially the challenges faced in the context of cross-curricular language use and skills development, ideally complementing the outcome of the survey studies across the whole PSN.
* Video recordings with short comments, statements and situation descriptions provided through teaching staff and principles of the PSN members foreseen for later publication on the webpage and (partial) inclusion into the project documentary “PLURICLIL in Film”.
* The outcome of the work phase corresponds to the IO 03 of the original PLURICLIL work plan.
Additional Remarks:
* Due to the ongoing pandemic situation (COVID19), the context-specific visits through the project coordinator CRI (incl. video team) foreseen in the original project plan, the interview had to take place in an online-setting instead. Similarly, the video recordings needed to be rearranged in most of the cases through additional co-operation with external experts at location, in this case in Madrid, Spain, Siauliai, Lithunia, and in Warsaw, Poland.
* Beside the project kick-off, this was the first operative work phase, in which the unpredictable and long-lasting pandemic situation started casting its shadow over PLURICLIL in concrete terms – but luckily, through appropriate re-arrangements, with still no harmful effect on the substantial operations or the original goal-setting of the initiative.
02-04 | 2021: INTRODUCTORY WORKSHOPS: Getting Acquainted with LangPerformLab (LPL)
Introductory workshops for teachers and students into the use of LangPerformLab – the online laboratory for profiling language performance across the PLURICLIL Schools Network (PSN). Originally planned to take place at location at each and every school involved, but – due to COVID19 – rearranged and carried out virtually via sufficient online-tools and additional guidance materials provided through CRI, the coordinating body of PLURICLIL.
Organisation & Conduction: CRI | Tampere, Finland in close cooperation with the PLURICLIL Schools Network (PSN).
Specific Goals:
* Getting familiar with LangPerformLab – the online laboratory for language (learning) profiling, film-based language simulations, as well as self-assessment and external evaluation of language competencies.
* For the teaching staff: Laying foundations for the co-operative drafting of simulation screenplays through trial implementation and closer insights into the structures and contents of simulations units.
* For the student population: Preparations for the more systematic use of both language profiling tools and the simulation instruments at a later stage of the project through a trial implementation of both.
Main Outcome:
* Design and distribution of a step-by-step User’s Guide for Individual Language Learning Profiling in the LangPerformLab
* Design and distribution of a step-by-step User’s Guide for the Implementation of Film-based Language Simulations in the LangPerformLab
* Translation of the User’s Guides & the corresponding software solutions & websites into the first language / main school language across the PSN
* Systematic trial implementation of a set of language simulations for German as a foreign language (produced by CRI earlier) in each of the school enviroments across PSN.
* The outcome of the work phase corresponds to the IO 04 of the original PLURICLIL work plan.
Additional Remarks:
* The whole series of Introductory Workshops had to be rearranged due to the long-lasting pandemic situation (COVID19). Consequently, the school context-specific workshops planned to take place at location throughout the PSN, were organized as a series of online-events between the coordinator (CRI) and each of the school partners involved. The teaching staff at each school was accordingly prepared and instructed to carry out the envisaged presentation and familiarization activities basically autonomously in the next step – in many cases, however, virtual support and guidance through the coordinating body (CRI) were still arranged per video-call.
* With the help of appropriate technologies, the professionality and engagement of the teaching staff, as well as the genuine interest & curiosity of the student population, the work phase could, eventually, take place in accordance with the substantial goal-setting originally planned for the work phase – the only true compromise remaining the missed opportunity for a preparatory visit of the schools through the coorinatoore prior to Content Workshops and the screenplay design.
04-07 | 2021: CONTENT WORKSHOPS: Initial “Think Tanks” on the Screenplay Design for Language Simulations
Building on the outcome of the initial analysis of curricula & learning environments, the additional interviews, as well as the online-workshop series on the tools & use of LangPerformLab, context-specific “brainstorming workshops” were organized, striving for the very first co-operative drafting of simulation screenplays for PLURICLIL – focusing especially on the dovetailing of the target language German and a variety of non-linguistic content subjects taught – at least partially – in German throughout the PSN.
Organisation & Conduction: CRI | Tampere, Finland in cooperation with the IDF of the Heidelberg University and the PLURICLIL schools network.
Specific Goals:
* On the basis of context-specific curricula in both the target language German and the non-linguistic content subjects selected, respectively, first ideas for the school-specific “simulation packages in spe” were to be drafted, collected and discussed.
* Along with the above, final decisions were to be expected with respect to the student population foreseen for an active and systematic participation in the project measures. Similarly, the final scope of the simulation production in each of the school environments was to be agreed upon, as well as the thematic key areas to be considered along the “simulation storylines”.
Main Outcome:
* Decisions on the participating classes and student populations in each of the school contexts made, foundations laid for the concretization of the content profiling for each of the simulation packages to be designed.
* Set-up of school specific padlet boards explicitly for screenplay design to be used as one of the main platforms for exchange of ideas on the topic due to ongoing pandemic situation and drop-out of physical workshops.
* Decisions made on the final scope of the simulation design totalling to three 6-piece packages and two 9-piece simulation series.
* The outcome of the work phase corresponds to the IOs 05 to 09 of the original PLURICLIL work plan.
Additional Remarks:
* The rearrangements and drop-outs of face-to-face work meetings, caused by the COVID19 pandemic, obviously, started effecting the overall workflow of the project in an “accumulated” manner at this stage. Nevertheless, and in order to still follow the original goal-setting of the initiative, especially as regards the core task of modelling instruments for active use for several years to come, the PLURICLIL consortium unanimously agreed upon some important changes in the workflow and the division of work load in the design and production of the simulation materials in question. On the basis of the curricula provided and building systematically on the state-of-the-art analyses and discussions in previous work phases, the coordinating body CRI took the complete responsibility for the manuscripts design and thus steered the project work towards the screenplay preparation and the scheduling of film-shootings just in the way originally planned.
07-09 | 2021: CONTENT DESIGN: Drafting Simulation Screenplays & Preparing Shooting Plans

Building, again, systematically on the previous working steps, an intensive work phase was dedicated at this stage to designing and finalizing the simulation screenplays drafted on the basis of the initial manuscripts provided through the coordinator CRI as a result of the “Online-Think tanks”. Along with the “final pile of screenplays”, detailed schedules for the film-shootings both at primarily German-speaking locations (in and around Heidelberg and Frankfurt/Main) and in all the “home countries” of the pilot schools were prepared, as well – with the start of the shootings foreseen to kick off at the end of Sept. 2021.
Organisation & Lead: CRI | Tampere, Finland in close cooperation with the IDF of the Heidelberg University (especially “IDeFix“, the international theatre group at the IDF).
Specific Goals:
* Design & finalisation of simulation screenplays for all language simulations foreseen for modelling & implementation during (and after) the PLURICLIL measure
* Preparation of detailed schedules and organisation plans for the film-shootings to take place both in authentic primarily German-speaking contexts, as well as in the home countries and cities of the schools represented in the PSN.
* Selection and coaching of the cast foreseen for the production, encompassing approximately 25 individuals from various linguistic and cultural backgrounds.
Main Outcome:
* Detailed screenplays for a total of 36 simulation units.
* Appr. a 100 pages of time-tables and set-up plans.
* Filming permissions for over 30 public locations from aeroplanes and international airports to medieval castles, museums and research institutes…
* The outcome of the work phase corresponds to the IO 10 of the original PLURICLIL work plan.
Additional Remarks:
* As one may well imagine, the preparation and scheduling of film-shootings of this scope and nature in the middle of a long-lasting pandemic situation was – honestly speaking – not that easy to handle at all times: Patience, prosperity and good nerves were extremely valuable throughout the whole work phase, not to even mention the flexibility required from all parties involved regarding the filming permissions and the overall preparations for the actual shootings, as well as – and especially – the need for an “ad hoc” co-operation set-up with film teams across Europe due to unexpectedly long-lasting travel restrictions. Thanks to the “kindest elasticity” of all co-operation partners, the preparations could be finished in time and the first shooting phase thus kick off – just as planned – at the end of September 2021.
09-12| 2021 > SIMULATION PRODUCTION: Film Shootings Across PLURICLIL Member Countries

Following the design of the simulation screenplays and the finalization of the shooting schedules, the actual shooting phases for the curriculum-specific simulation units envisaged for PLURICLIL were introduced at the end of September 2021 – exactly as planned prior to project start. Including location shots in authentic settings in both the countries and regions represented in the PLURICLIL Schools Network, as well as in various relevant spaces for formal and informal use of German in primarily German-speaking areas, the work phase undoubtedly represents one of the two most intensive working steps of the whole project measure – the other one being the actual manuscript design, i.e. the creation of the storylines to enable simulative travelling to target language contexts and the curriculum-based adventures therein – in an atmosphere as authentic as possible: Around 30 skilled individuals engaged themselves for almost a whole month, many of them 10 to 12 hours a day (!) to meet the ambitious goals set for the materials’ design of the project: a set of five so far completely unique film-based language simulations, totalling to 36 units and the intension for long-term research research implementation also after the PLURICLIL life-cycle.
Organisation & Conduction: CRI Tampere, Finland in cooperation with the IDF of the Heidelberg University and the PLURICLIL Schools Network
Specific Goals:
* Shooting of all film materials intended to be recorded in primarily German-speaking contexts.
* Accompanying film shootings in the home countries of the schools represented in the PSN – to be carried out through external co-operation bodies at the respective location due to CIVOD19 – travel restrictions.
Main Outcome:
* During two separate shooting phases and in the course of approximately three weeks, around 98 % of the film materials foreseen for recordings in authentic German-speaking contexts were recorded. Along with this, additional film-shootings took place in all other participating countries in a systematic and truly synergetic co-operation with location-specific film teams. What is more, detailed & definite schedules were set for the remaining recordings, including e.g. short lectures from university scientists that were not able to join us during the “main shooting phases”.
* The outcome of the work phase corresponds to the IOs 12 and 13 of the original PLURICLIL work plan.
Additional Remarks:
* Due to the exceptional and per definition unforeseeable circumstances linked to the pandemic, the realization of the international film shootings in accordance with the original work plan could not be taken for granted at any time. Hence, it is but with great gratitude that we think back on the friendly flexibility, genuine interest and encouragement shown through all our co-operation bodies, without whom the realization of one of the most essential work phases of the project would have been slightly impossible in the envisaged scope and time-frame.
03 | 2022: “PLURICLIL PREVIEW – PART I”: An International Co-operation & Networking Event Online
The first international network event of the project, targeted apart from the project consortium especially to the associated network partners of the initiative and thus providing a first “sneak-preview” into the film materials and the “simulation series in the making”. An ideal platform for joint discussions and an “interim-evaluation” of the products aimed at, as well as for the additional film work, the whole post-production and the subsequent PR-measures the initiative.
Organisation: CRI | Tampere, Finland in cooperation with the IDF of the Heidelberg University and the PLURICLIL Schools Network.

Specific Goals:
* First overview of the six simulation series under preparation; presentation of rough outlines, the scope and the content profile of each of the series on the basis of the first phases of post-production.
* The first “hands-on” preview of the intended “core products” for the network of associated co-operation partners; discussions on potential need for further film shootings and the finalization of the materials in more general terms.
Main Outcome:
* First rough “Preview-Versions” of the school- and curriculum specific simulation series presented, discussed & analyzed;
* An additional “get-together” and exchange-session online between the school partners arranged – due to the fall-out of the joint-get-together at the beginning of the project;
* A “Part II” for the “PLURICLIL-PREVIEW”-Event agreed upon for the summer 2022 in Heidelberg, Germany – as a “partial substitution” for the meetings cancelled (due to the pandemic) during the first 20 months of the project & as an additional event for international dissemination & networking event (as discussed with the Finnish National Agency of the Eramus-programme during an interim-evaluation visit in Dec. 2021).
* The outcome of the work phase corresponds to the IOs 01 – 13, to the Common Learning & Teaching Events C1 to C 11, as well as to the International Multiplication and Networking Event E1 (“PLURICLIL PREVIEW” – State of the Art & Simulation Instruments) of the original PLURICLIL work plan.
Additional Remarks:
* As basically every single face-to-face event foreseen for the first half of the project’s life-cycle had been cancelled due to COVID19 so far – with the significant exception of the international film shootings, obviously – we decided to try to fill the gap caused by the fall-outs not only through one substituting event, but a whole series of both virtual and face-to-face-events under the banner of “PLURICLIL-PREVIEW”. In this context, the event organized in March 2022 and carried out online due to COVID19-travel restrictions still valid especially in Germany, represented the one kicking off the series of a total of four events and providing a fruitful platform not only for an overview of the current state of work in the project, but also for the very first get-together & exchange for the school partners involved.
* All in all, the Online-Event “PLURICLIL-PREVIEW – PART I” became an important milestone in the overall “rearrangement strategy” for the dissemination & multiplication operations of the project, concluding with the common agreement on a series of “PREVIEW-EVENTS” and aiming at organizing the first face-to-face event as early as in June/July 2022.
03 | 2022 > SIMULATION PRODUCTION: Finalization of Film Materials and Tasks Design & Post-Production and Software-Integration

Building on the outcome of the experts’ discussions, feedback and the “interim-evaluation” of the film materials during “PLURICLIL – PREVIEW” – PART I, a particular work phase for final extension, modification and fine-tuning of the materials was introduced, accompanied by the final design and precision of task structures to be implemented into the simulation units. Parallel to these steps, and aiming at optimizing value-adding synergies for the overall work-flow, the technical production team at CRI laid main focus of the work on the post-production of the extensive video materials and their gradual integration into the LangPerform-simulation software in co-operation with programming partners.
Organisation & Coordination: CRI | Tampere, Finland in cooperation with the IDF of the Heidelberg University and external cooperation bodies from the field of film industry and software development.
Specific Goals:
* Final extension and modification of film materials recorded wherever needed – on the basis of previous work phases and experts’ analyses;
* Final design & precision of task structures, additional text-, audio- and picture materials, as well as further simulation elements needed throughout all 36 units;
* Post-production & cutting process of the film material recorded;
* Gradual software-integration of the video material and other additional elements needed for finalizing the simulation units for implementation from August / September 2022 on.
Main Outcome:
* Film shootings concluded & video material recorded for all 36 simulation units designed – totalling to 2457 minutes of film material;
* Final task design & precision work on the simulation structures kicked-off as scheduled, aiming at a trial-implementation of all six simulation series in August 2022 and the implementation start across the PLURICLIL Schools Network from September 2022 on;
* Parallel integration of the video materials finalized through cut & post-production into the LangPerform simulation software at the CRI in co-operation with external programming / software development experts from Vincit Ltd. Finland.
* The outcome of the work phase corresponds to the IOs 12 and 13 in the original PLURICLIL work plan.
Additional Remarks:
* The final scope of the simulation materials designed for purposes of the project became, eventually, significantly larger than originally intended. Interestingly, the pandemic circumstances had a role to play also behind these developments: Following the fall-out of the content workshops foreseen for cooperative manuscript drafting, as well as the subsequent rearrangements in the overall workflow of the simulation design, the school partners started providing CRI with information on curricular guidelines and learning goals as detailed as possible in order to still contribute to the content development. Along with the unforeseeable developments of the pandemic, the extensive curricular information encouraged us to strive for in-depth materials production and to maximize their added value in any similar situation in the future.
30.06.-05.07.2022 | “PLURICLIL-PREVIEW – PART II & PART III”: International Dissemination & Networking Events – At Location & via Live-Stream | Heidelberg, Germany & Tampere, Finland
Following the decision of the project consortium on an “internal recovery plan” for the unfortunate “COVID19-fall-outs” and, thus, the organization of a whole series of “PREVIEW-EVENTS”, the very first face-to-face get-together of the project team took place in terms of an international multiplication & networking event (“PLURICLIL-PREVIEW”- PART II) from June 30th to July 1st 2022 in Heidelberg, Germany. In addition to this, and as to reach as many interested instances and individuals as possible at this point – even in the middle of holiday seasons in some parts of the world… – another event with the same content profile was arranged only a few days later in Tampere, Finland – summarizing the “quintessence” of the 2-day-event in Heidelberg and streamed live all over the globe under the banner “PLURICLIL-PREVIEW – PART III”.
Organisation and Coordination: CRI | Tampere, Finland & IDF | Heidelberg, Germany

Specific Goals:
* A physical “get-together” for the project consortium and the PLURICLIL network partners – postponed several times due to COVID19 pandemic – with opportunities for proper discussions on the project, its goal-setting and the developments so far;
* Presentation of the current state of work in the project, especially the film-based language simulations tailored for each of the school-contexts involved;
* A first, “hands-on preview” of the intended “innovations” at the core of the PLURICLIL project for a wider international audience for analysis, feedback and suggestions for modification, further work and – especially – follow-up in terms of transfer of innovation.
Main Outcome:
* “PLURICLIL-PREVIEW-PART II”: A two-day multiplication & networking event in Heidelberg, Germany, from June 30th to July 1st, organized jointly by CRI and IDF, with 35 participants, out of which 25 at location and 10 connected through online-tools;
* “PLURICLIL-PREVIEW-PART III”: A Live-stream-event at the CRI premises in Tampere, Finland, on July 5th, summarizing the contents of the 2-day- event in Heidelberg, including e.g. all key presentations on the six simulation series under preparation with close insights into screenplay design and goal settings, and attracting 249 spectators during the 2-hour stream only;
* Trailer materials of all six simulation series finished, presented, discussed & analyzed; schedules revised and set for further steps in the project, especially the school-specific start of the implementation phase from autumn 2022 on.
* The outcome of the work phase and that of the highlighted events correspond to the IO 13, to the Content Workshops – especially C 11 – as well as the Multiplication and Networking Event E1 presented in the original PLURICLIL workplan.
Additional Remarks:
* As discussed above already, it appeared appropriate in the light of the original workplan and the goalsetting of the project to compensate certain cancellations and fall-outs through a series of events as soon as this became possible again. With respect to the multiplication and dissemination events discussed here, the repetition of the face-to-face event organized in Heidelberg seemed necessary and fruitful also because of the fact that a relatively high number of interested instances and individuals were not able to attend the event because of the holiday seasons. This, along with the fact that many international professionals also seem to prefer online-participation in the meantime, was one of the main drivers behind the decision for an additional live-stream to be organized. Alone with regard to the number of participants and the outreach of the information and dissemination work, a similar hybrid-setting will – in the light of these experiences – prove appropiate and fruitful also at later stages of the project.
08-09 | 2022: PRE-TESTS OF THE SIMULATION UNITS: Checking Functionalities & Getting Ready for the Implementation-Kick Off

Test-run of selected simulation units from all six series prior to official kick-off of the implementation phase, carried out in co-operation with and, in part, also in the premises of SAMKE, Tampere in August and beginning of September 2022. As SAMKE is participating in the PLURICLIL project with all three grades of the Upper Secondary schooling and several learning groups, the pre-tests were organized outside of the regular language classes with the help of a relatively small selected “test-population” not participating in the actual project activities nor any other related “official” research measures.
Organisation & conduction: CRI | Tampere, Finland in cooperation with SAMKE, member of the PLURICLIL Schools Network (PSN).
Specific Goals:
* Technical check of the functionalities of the language (learning) profiling instruments e.g. with respect to long-term saving of statistical data, adding and deleting information on the individual user accounts, displaying profile information e.g. in the context of performance assessment, etc.
* Final check of the simulation units and their functionalities such as interplay of various task types, saving functions of oral and written language performance, transfer of data between individual simulation units, written instructions and additional guidance given to each task throughout every simulation unit, etc.
* Immediate execution of corrections, modifications & improvements wherever needed.
* Securing a smooth and successful implementation of the profiling tools & simulations in the next work phase.
Main Outcome:
* A few bugs detected in the saving functions of data given in the language learning profiling application; improvements and corrections undertaken accordingly;
* In a few individual cases, system errors occurred after the actual simulation run, during the automatic upload of the perfomance on to the LangPerformLab-server. After thorough investigations, the CRI team of technical experts discovered that these difficulties were linked to the running time of individual simulations units – some of which have a duration of more than one hour. A few modifications were made in the server environment accordingly, and as the subsequent test-runs show, no errors of this nature have occurred ever since.
* The outcome of the work phase corresponds especially to the IO 15 of the original PLURICLIL work plan.
Additional Remarks:
* Whenever novel technology innovations are created, bugs or certain difficulties are something that one tends to expect to appear. In fact, bugs in new and novel applications appear to be – at least to a certain extent – quite similar to so called interlanguage stages in the language acquisition process: development steps with a highly relevant and specific function for the process as a whole to eventually succeed. Our case example, eventhough fairly small in scope, shows the value and the importance of a pre-test phase for any endeavour aiming at a larger-scale implementation of documentation tools or test instruments. In the light of our experiences, eventhough with a thoroughly fortunate ending and only a couple of bugs detected, one could summarize our recommendation as follows: The more technology-oriented and digitalized the intended procedure, the more accurate and detailed should the pre-testing phase be.
Systematic implementation of the PLURICLIL innovations kicked off – as foreseen in the original work plan of the initiative – in September 2022, in accordance with the individual, i.e. school-specific implementation schedules across the PLURICLIL Schools Network and thus following the “case-specific elasticity” agreed upon at the beginning of the project.
The first implementation round and the only one that can be carried out during the life-cycle of the present project, will last all the way until June 2023, cover various accompanying measures such as regular language learning profiling and be selectively documented by the CRI film team – e.g. for purposes of the project documentary “PLURICLIL in Film”
Organisation and Coordination: CRI | Tampere, Finland

Specific Goals:
* Continuous implementation of the simulation series throughout the PLURICLIL Schools Network (PSN) ;
* Systematic monitoring and online-support through the coordinating body (CRI);
* Familiarizing members of the PSN with continuous implementation of the simulation packages also after the life-cycle of the PLURICLIL project;
* Modelling of a workflow for a regular long-term implementation of language simulations for research purposes in accordance with school-specific curricula throughout the whole school year.
Main Outcome:
* 36 simulation units corresponding to a total of 1500+ minutes of film-based immersion adventures ready-to-use as scheduled at the beginning of the project;
* At least two grades at each of the schools involved actively participating in the implementation phase from September 2022 on;
* First feedback from the schools confirming the novel & innovative characteristics of the simulations and the profiling instruments;
* Statements from teaching staff – especially teachers of non-linguistic content subjects – confirming the curricular suitability of the simulation stories to the classes addressed, respectively;
* Long-term implementation plan for purposes of accompanying research concretized with the provisional plan of implementing three simulation units per school year in each of the grades involved – in accordance with the content and language profile authored for each simulation unit.
* The outcome of the work phase corresponds especially to the IO 16 of the original PLURICLIL work plan.
Additional Remarks:
* From the initial planning stages of the project on, maximizing the added value and the implementation potential of the simulation material to be designed during PLURICLIL has been an important goal for the initiative. Given the extensive material base actually produced, covering a total of 36 simulation units corresponding to six simulation series with coherent storylines authored in accordance with school-specific curricula, it is obvious that the interest in long-term implementation of the materials for purposes of both teaching and learning practices, as well as language education research, especially in the context of performance-based competence documentation and assessment, has grown rapidly along the successful operative project activities. For this reason, and as to be able to evaluate or estimate the value adding potential of the language simulations in their actual function, i.e. over a longer period of time covering at least two school years already during the PLURICLIL project measure, a so-called “pseudo-longitudinal” implementation setting has been arranged for purposes of the project. This means that in the 1st implementation round, a “longitudinal research and evaluation setting is simulated” by inviting several grades from each of the pilot schools to participate as to get first impressions of the language performance developing in the course of 2+ school years. Simultaneously, a genuine longitudinal research on using these very materials is, obviously, kicked off, continuing systematically in the school year 2023-24 – ideally in terms of an appropriate follow-up project.
09 | 2022 > (HOW) DO THE TOOLS WORK? – THE FIRST LOOK AT THE RESULTS: Ongoing Analysis and Evaluation of Simulation Performances
Measures on continuous analysis and evaluation of the simulation performances were introduced simultaneously with the kick-off of the implementation phase, as one of its regular, on-going accompanying measures. By utilizing the online analysis and assessment tools provided in the LangPerformLab, the simulation performances from all across the PLURICLIL Schools Network can be analyzed and assessed comfortably through an international expert group, consisting of both language and content subject teachers represented in the PLURICLIL consortium, as well as a number of external experts invited to participate not least also as a preparatory measure for related research measures in the future.

Specific Goals:
* The very first systematic and international data collection measure on the use of LangPerform simulation instruments in the context of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) – with the special focus on pursuing plurilingualism and corresponding, evidence-based curriculum development in language education at school;
* The first “sneak-preview” on the language performance of CLIL(iG) learners in simulated both formal (subject-specific) and more informal communication settings, allowing thorough analyses e.g. in the light of curriculum-specific goal-settings and traditionally used more conventional (language) testing measures;
* A comprehensive international feedback collected on the suitability and functionality of the LangPerform tools (e.g. Individual Language Profiling; Film-based Simulation Adventures, Self-Assessment Instruments) especially in immersive CLIL-type learning environments at school.
Main Outcome:
* All PLURICLIL pilot schools have kicked off the implementation of the respective, school-specific simulation series in accordance with our original workplan;
* The number of the school classes involved in the first implementation round (school year 2022-23) totals up to 12; representing five different grades (from 8 to 12) in four different countries and five individual pilot schools;
* The first analyses of the communication performance of the learners in question, based on their participation in 1 to 3 first units of the school-specific simulation series provided, deliver a thoroughly colourful picture of the language proficiency and the content knowledge level of the learners – corresponding to a high degree with our assumptions and expectations: In several cases, the curricular learning goals and the factual state of communicative, let alone subject-specific language proficiency still seem to represent two realities.
* The outcome of the work phase corresponds especially to the IO 17 of the original PLURICLIL work plan.
Additional Remarks:
* The simulation performances from all pilot schools will be analyzed and assessed for purposes of the PLURICLIL project continuously until June 2023;
* For purposes of the PLURICLIL project and the optimization of the overview possible in terms of the first implementation round during one school year only, a pseudo-longitudinal approach is used as to enable insights into long-term use of the simulation materials covering up to three school years;
* The simulation performances will be analyzed and assessed in each of the partipicating learner groups only with respect to the curriculum-specific learning goals provided by each of the pilot schools for purposes of the simulation design in the initial phase of the project. Obviously, no comparison between the pilot schools is either possible or of interest in this research setting, as the schools represent totally different learning environments and only share the common interest in supporting plurality in institutional language education through cross-curricular methodology approaches and timely use of up-to-date & value-adding technological support instruments.
18.-19.11. 2022 | “PLURICLIL PREVIEW – PART IV”: “Interim Results & Fostering Transfer of Innovations” – An International Dissemination Event & Co-operation Workshop for Central and South-East Europe

INTERNATIONAL DISSEMINATION & NETWORKING EVENT for associated, new partner countries in the PLURICLIL Co-operation Network in the region of CENTRAL AND SOUTHEAST EUROPE.
In preparation of the follow-up iniative “E-PATHS”: European Pathways for Immersive (Language) Learning in Education and Profession – foreseen for application in Q2 / 2023:
Specific Goals:
* As discussed above, the idea behind the extension and multiplication of the originally planned “one-off” PLURICLIL PREVIEW event to cover a whole series of networking and multiplication occasions, was born along the numerous cancellations and fall-outs of events due to the COVID 19-pandemic during the first two project years. Aiming at dissemination and networking activities with long-term impact and relevance and thus contributing to the international outreach and follow-up prospects of the project, PLURICLIL PREVIEW was finally transformed to a series of four independent yet closely interrelated events;
* What is more, the strong transfer potential, characteristic of the PLURICLIL project products foreseen and explicitly mentioned and highlighted already in the pre-measure evaluation of the project application, also started gaining relevance along the steady growth of the (associated) co-operation networks as the project moved on – making systematic preparations for follow-up and transfer activities also to a specific goal for all PLURICLIL networking and multiplication activities.
* Lastly, a thorough presentation of the “core ideas” behind the PLURICLIL project, its innovations and their transfer potential to further educational settings to an extended co-operation network with a strong geographical focus in Central and South-East Europe also formed a specific goal for the working step in question.
Main Outcome:
* Detailed information flow on the backgrounds, goal-settings and methodologies of the PLURICLIL project, as well as its current implementation measures and future innovation transfer potential to an international expert audience from 7 countries across Central and South-East Europe;
* Initial discussions and workshops around potential follow-up measures to PLURICLIL with focus on bridge-building between education and working-life, research-based development of enterprises and, as a synergetic counterpart thereof, strengthening of an “entrepreneurial mindset” along various educational pathways especially at secondary-level vocational education and training (VET) as well as in tertiary education.
* Co-operative design of a possible project outline for a novel ALLIANCE FOR EDUCATION & WORKING LIFE focusing on developing and fostering continuous European pathways for immersive learning of multiple (2+) languages and (specific) content subjects (e.g. STEAM) both at educational institutions and in working-life contexts – under the (working) title: E-PATHS.
* The outcome of the work phase – above all the “additional” information and networking event “PLURICLIL PREVIEW – PART IV” as such – corresponds especially to the Multiplication and Networking Event E1 originally foreseen for the PLURICLIL work programme and represents, in part, a compensation thereof.
Additional Remarks:
* Having been basically forced to cancel several face-to-face working meetings and networking events during the first two years of the project, the idea of transforming the one-off “preview event” into a whole series of diverse information and networking opportunities immediately convinced the whole PLURICLIL consortium. Not only did we hereby manage to find a constructive way to compensate for the fall-outs experienced throughout previous work phases, but also to introduce concrete preparatory measures for possible follow-up measures and to discover opportunities for innovation transfer just in the way suggested by the external evaluators of the PLURICLIL project prior to start of the initiative.
* Along with the response received from the PLURICLIL pilot schools throughout the implementation activities so far, the “additional” networking and information events just as the one held in Slovenia, have also significantly contributed to the external and “authentic” feedback collected on the contents and the technical realization of the curriculum-specific language simulations designed in the PLURICLIL project and thus had – already until today – a genuinely value-adding function on the project measure as a whole.
05 – 07 | 2023 “PLURICLIL IN ACTION”: Preparation of Project Documentaries – Film & Print Media
Following the initial idea and the goal-setting of an informative and transparent project measure with an optimized longer-term impact, a special working phase in the project will be dedicated to compiling and preparing a compact video-based overview of the complete action incl. interviews and statements from various participants of the project, as well as documentary shots from the authentic implementation sessions of the language simulations designed – in short: “PLURICLIL in FILM”.
Organisation and conduction: CRI | Tampere, Finland
Specific Goals:
* Video recordings at selected PLURICLIL pilot schools for compact, easily accessible and informative insights into the backgrounds, goal-settings and the actual realization of the project;
* In focus: Implementation & use of the digital language (learning) profiling tools and the curriculum-specific language simulation materials designed and modelled for purposes of the PLURICLIL project.
Main Outcome:
* The main outcome of the documentation activities features three video documentaries showcasing the actual implementation of both the language profiling tools and the film-based language simulation series at three selected pilot schools of the project, namely at the Colegio Aleman de Madrid (Deutsche Schule Madrid) in Spain, the Romuvos Gimnazija in Siauliai, Lithuania and at the LO 46 Stefana Czarnieckiego in Warsaw, Poland. The school selection for the video documentaries was made in this case for purely practical reasons, but turned out to be fruitful and advantageous indeed, as the documentation visits could be combined with selected “substituting training activities” originally foreseen for the introductory workshops and of particular relevance for the school outside Finland, and thus not within that an easy reach for a visit through the coordinating institution CRI.
* What is more, we also received the opportunity to have the practical implementation of the innovations in question documented through journalists of professional print media. For this purpose, again, we unanimously chose the Upper Secondary School in Tampere, Finland (Sammon keskuslukio (SAMKE)), as it, in our case, represents a unique landscape with no CLIL type language education in the conventional sense, but with a fairly young framework curriculum with a novel and specific focus on language sensitivity and cross-curricular language awareness – topics of international relevance that could be thus considered explicitly in the 9-piece simulation series tailored for German as a foreign language at SAMKE.
* The outcome of this activity corresponds, obviously, especially to the IO 18 in the original work plan of the project, to “PLURICLIL in FILM”.
Additional Remarks:
* As opposed to what was initially planned, and thus instead of “only one” PLURICLIL-video documentary, we decided to capture authentic moments of the trial-implementation of our tailored simulation series in three different pilot settings. This decision was taken somewhere during the post-production of the film materials, as we slowly started discovering the final scope of the materials production, leading to the unanimous conclusion that one documentary only would be simply not enough – or, alternatively, too long. Apart from this, and having by then already seen, in which way the co-operating pilot schools have engaged themselves into the research & innovation work in question, we also wanted to value the diversity of the school environments involved and their significant contributions to the project so far. Fortunately, we have been able to witness a genuine win-win- situation around the video documentaries over the last months, as the schools have reported at several occasions, how invaluable the documentaries have been, showcasing in just five to seven minutes, what this innovation work is all about and how significant the potential for further developments can actually be.
* The three video documentaries, as well as the article documentation showcasing yet another implementation context within the PLURICLIL SCHOOLS NETWORK are, at this stage, focused on the implementation of (1) the language (learning) profiling instruments and (2) the simulation series authored along the curricular guidelines of the portraid schools. All documentaries also include comments and statements of both teachers and headmasters, as well as students who have already started using the instruments and have also participated at least in one simulation journey.
07 | 2023: “PLURICLIL – WRAP-UP”: Preparing the Final Steps and the Closing Measures

Specific Goals:
* Preparations for the closing modalities of the project, planning of continuation of materials implementation within the PLURICLIL SCHOOLS NETWORK, design of follow-up initiatives for different target groups (especially vocational secondary schooling, tertiary (university) education and working life contexts) and continuation of publication work for diverse audiences;
* To be organized – provisionally – in Heidelberg, as several potential future partner institutions are located either in or around Heidelberg, as well.
Main Outcome:
* As agreed already at earlier stage (cf. International Information and Dissemination Event “PLURICLIL-PREVIEW IV”, Slovenia, 18-19.11.2022), the final decision was now made that the closing event, initially planned to take place as in-person event, would be arranged online instead, given that the PLURICLIL consortium has already organized an international conference event at an earlier stage – and this for strategic reasons as to design and apply for a significant follow-up initiative (cf. E-PATHS) with deadline at the beginning of May 2023 already.
* In addition, and as a foundation for discussing further follow-up planning directly at location in Heidelberg, an overall check of the project outcome and results was undertaken (by CRI and IDF as the university member of the project), including e.g. the complete PLURICLIL language simulation gallery, the series-specific trailer videos, user’s guides and project documentaries.
* Resulting from the “PLURICLIL- WRAP UP”, and in addition to the “E-PATHS”-Initiative mentioned above, three follow-up project ideas were drafted and taken to further processing by CRI to be introduced and discussed in the framework of the closing event (provisionally) in August 2023.
Additional Remarks:
* Due to manifold project activities and tight schedules even during late spring and the beginning of summer 2023, the wrap-up meeting had to take place in July 2023, thus in the middle of the summer holiday season for many consortium members. For this reason, only the coordinating institution took part at location, together with the IDF of the University of Heidelberg, obviously, the rest of the consortium, i.e. the teachers of the participating schools via various online-tools. Given the agenda and the goalsetting of the meeting, however, this didn’t lead to any disadvantages in terms of our project work or the planning of future measures, as all important discussions concerning also our school partners could be carried out perfectly in an online-setting.
International closing event of the PLURICLIL Initiative:
In the spotlight:
- PLURICLIL Innovations: Design, Realization and Implementation
- PLURICLIL Tools in Use – Overview of the Language Performance Laboratory (LPL) and its instruments in actual use at schools: Documentaries from participating pilot schools in fourcountries
- PLURICLIL Research Contributions – “Up Next”: Longitudinal simulation research on the impact of content and language integrated learning in German (CLILiG) on target language competences, first language (academic) proficiency and the acquisition of content subject knowledge in various learning landscapes across Europe”.
- “Sneak-preview” of follow-up measures designed upon PLURICLIL outcome & materials
Organisation and conduction: CRI | Tampere, Finland in cooperation with IDF of the University of Heidelberg and the school members of the PLURICLIL-Consortium
Location: CRI ONLINE

Specific Goals:
* Overall presentation of the PLURICLIL project all the way from the point-of-departure and the initial survey studies to the work phases of design & innovation, and further to extensive manuscript & screenplay creation, film-shootings, the post-production and eventually to the implementation of school- and curriculum-specific simulation series on several class levels at all participating schools incl. an appropriate documentation and evaluation thereof.
* An additional overview of specific contributions of the PLURICLIL project e.g. to innovative research measures of (institutional) language education including a quick preview of longitudinal research initiatives planned to be kicked off as direct follow-ups to PLURICLIL project – along with other continuing development and transfer measures already prepared / under preparation.
Main Outcome:
* Presentations on the PLURICLIL project from various perspectives, all the way from the point-of-departure and the initial survey studies further to insights into design & innovation processes, the manuscript & screenplay creation phase, the film-shootings, the post-production and, finally, the implementation of the simulation series at all participating schools
* Presentation of video and article documentaries showcasing the actual implementation of the simulation instruments and the profiling tools at different pilot schools, including comments and statements from involved teachers, school directors and the participating student population
* A very first preview of follow-up measures planned and designed on the foundations of PLURICLIL, adressing diverse target audiences from general and vocational secondary schooling to higher education (especially university education in health and life sciences) and further to selected contexts of working life and continuous professional development – locally and globally.
Additional Remarks:
* As envisaged from the beginning on, foundations for long-term publication work on institutional language education by utilizing the instruments of the Language Performance Laboratory (LPL) have been laid throughout the PLURICLIL project, with some first articles prepared already during the project operations:
CRI – PUBLICATIONS & REPORTS – PLURICLIL – Kontinuierliche Sprach(lern)profilierung und filmisch-simulative Immersion in Sprache und Fach – HAATAJA, K. – 082023
Obviously, more publications will appear along the continuous and increasingly systematic implementation of the tools and materials modeled in the PLURICLIL project, starting as early as in the school year 2023-24.

The last two to three months will be dedicated to the preparation, compilation and finalization of the key documents for project reporting, including also the latest output and news from the closing event and thus providing some first foresights into the follow-up measures of PLURICLIL, as well as the publication work on the basis of the so far unique language performance data collected throughout the project.
Organisation and conduction: CRI | Tampere, Finland
Main Outcome:
* Final report of PLURICLIL, presented via Mobility Tool to the Finnish National Agency for Education (OPH) on October 30th 2023.
* Key results of the project uploaded to the “Beneficiary’s Space” accordingly, counting 20 different items / products corresponding to the Intellectual Outputs (IO) presented in the initial project plan and thus providing an overview of the different work phases and milestones reached throughout the lifespan of the project.
* Overview of a selection of four follow-up measures initiated / applied already provided in the report as envisaged.
Additional Remarks:
* Interestingly, the PLURICLIL consortium decided to “stick together” and apply for a follow-up project as to accelerate and support the long-term curricular integration of the simulation solutions modeled during PLURICLIL. The initiative carrying the indicative title “PLURICLIL+” also aims at providing a platform for further adaptation and/or transfer of the innovations in question to other contexts of education e.g. through national and international workshops and think tanks. The project application was handed in – in the footprints of its predecessor – at the Finnish National Agency for Education (OPH), under the coordination of CRI and in the framework of the Small Partnerships for School Education.
PLURICLIL is an international research and development project co-funded through the Strategic Partnership Action under the Erasmus+- programme of the European Union. The initiative is carried out in partial conjunction with daf-immersion.de, a long-term research initative focusing on immersive settings of German as a foreign language on a global scale, kindly supported through the Federal Foreign Office of the Republic of Germany.
The synergetic interplay between the two initiatives enables so far unique contributions to the empirical research of immersive language education especially with respect to German as a target language (“CLILiG“).
Crealang. Research & Innovation (CRI)
…for creative language education – in research and Practice.
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