Research & Development
Immersion Education | Multidisciplinary Learning Landscapes | Profiling & Analysis of Language and Communication Performance
Policy Dialogue | Curriculum Design | Materials Production | Accompanying Research | Analysis & Evaluation
Research & Development
We at CRI strongly believe that it is absolutely no disadvantage for research to be of advantage. We always give our best to accompany big and small research measures to success and love to see research findings evolve to evidence-based, value adding innovations – and this for both practice purposes and research contexts, and gladly also in challenging international settings.
In Focus right now:
Research & Development Profile of CRI
All CRI operations are, by their very nature, research-driven and inter-/multidisciplinary, in most cases also multisectoral. Emerging especially from studies in applied linguistics, foreign language didactics and institutional language education, our R & D – profile has grown over the years to cover related topics also in the field of language (education) policy and curriculum development, as well as some new openings in audio-visual / film production, theatre pedagogy and human-computer interaction (HCI). In order to deliver this with appropriate quality, features such as interdisciplinarity and multisectorality have, obviously, become true corner-stones of our R & D profile, shaping CRI as a whole to a genuine co-creation space for science, arts and technology and thus responding uniquely to the initial goal-setting and challenge of the CRI Initiative to foster dialogue and boost innovation at the crossroads of research, practice and decision-making.
Visit our projects gallery for a quick overview of some of our past, present or future project measures. For a more detailed picture of our r & d – profile and for all r & d – cooperation enquiries, please get in touch with us!
Project work @ CRI
Without the truly significant range of project measures in both local and regional, as well as in national and international settings, the research and development profile of CRI would be far away from what and where it is today.
Have a look below for a quick overview of some of the projects which have either contributed to the foundations of the CRI Initiative from as early as the first decade of the present millenium, or are shaping our current R & D work and thus inspiring our future pathways through the exciting research & development contexts in our field. Should any questions arise along the way, just let us know. We are, of course, always happy to hear and read from you!
CRI | Research & Development
Projects Gallery
CLILiG | 2005-2008
Content and Language Integrated Learning in German | State of the Art and Development Potential in Europe | EN
CLIL-LOTE-START | 2008-2011
Content and Language Integrated Learning through Languages Other Than English – Getting Started | DE
CLILiG-SCAN | 2009-2013
Content and Language Integrated Learning in German – Scandinavian Profiles | DE
SIW | 2010-2013
Schule im Wandel | School in Transition | DE
ProfiDaF I | 2011-2013
Profilierung sprachlich-kommunikativer Handlungskompetenzen in Deutsch als Fremdsprache mittels Computersimulationen | DE
ProfiCom | 2012-2014
Profiling Learning Progression through Film-based Computer Simulations in English-medium CLIL Environments | EN
ProfiDaF II | 2014-2016
Profilierung und Analyse fächerübergreifender Lernprogression in Deutsch als Zielsprache mittels filmbasierter Computersimulationen | DE
EVALANG 2012-2014
Development and Use of Film-based Computer Simulations for Assessing Oral Language Performance – A Professional Development Programme | EN
CLILiG-FINNLAND | 2013-2015
“Ein Überblick mit Einblick” – Erhebungsstudien & Filmdokumentationen zum fach- und sprachintegrierten Lernen in der Zielsprache Deutsch in der finnischen Allgemeinbildung (ISCED 1-2)| DE
ProfiLang-UP | 2014-2016
Profiling Language Proficiency through Film-based Computer Simulations in Upper Secondary Education | FI
INNOCLILiG | 2014-2017
Innovative Wege und Werkzeuge für integriertes Lernen in der Zielsprache Deutsch (CLILiG) weltweit – Eine Erhebungsstudie mit fallspezifischen Videodokumentationen | DE
ProfiLang-UP-ACROSS | 2017-2019
Profiling Language Proficiency Across Curriculum in Upper Secondary Education | Case Example: English Across Curriculum (EAC) in Finnish Upper Secondary Schooling | FI
LILIE | 2020-2023
Landscapes for Immersive Learning in Europe – Pathways and Goals, Materials and Mindsets | EN
ProfiLang-TRAIN | 2020-2021
Tools for Individual Language Profiling & Support for Cross-curricular and Subject-specific Language Education | FI | EN | 2020 –
Immersive Bildungsansätze und innovative Technologielösungen zur Förderung des Deutschen als Fremdsprache in der Schule, im Studium und im Beruf – forschungsbasiert, innovativ, international | DE
ProfiLang-TRAIN II | 2021-2022
Supporting Cross-Curricular Language Education and Language (Learning) Awareness through Digital Tools for Individual Language Profiling – A Professional Development Programme | FI
PLURICLIL | 2020-2023
Fostering Plurilingualism through Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and ICT-Innovations: Curriculum Development and Individual Competence Profiling through Computer Simulations & Online-Profiling Tools | EN
E-PATHS | 2023 –
European Pathways for Immersive Learning in Education and Profession: Multidisciplinary Meta-Curricula and Innovative E-Solutions for Immersive Learning and Performance Profiling | EN
European Co-Creation Network for Technology-Powered Language and Culture Immersion – A Multisectoral Co-operation Initiative for International Design, Production and Distribution of Film-based Language Simulations | EN
ProfiLang-Professional | 2024 –
An AI-powered Online-Service for Profiling and Visualizing Individual Language (Learning) Awareness & Professional Language and Communication Performance | EN | FI
Crealang. Research & Innovation (CRI)
Mo – Fr 10:00 -18:00
Technopolis | Peltokatu 26
Building A | 2nd Floor | 275
© crealang. research & innovation oy (CRI) 2014-2025